The Best Information on gps tracking watches
By Francis Ononye
For some people there is a debate over which to choose a Bluetooth gps receiver or a compact flash gps receiver. I have used both so I am writing from experience. There seem to be quite a few advantages a Bluetooth gps receiver has over a cf gps receiver.
The main advantage would be versatility, you can use a Bluetooth gps receiver with a Bluetooth pda as well as a compatible bluetooth mobile phone whereas with a cf gps receiver you are limited to only a compatible pda as mobile phones usually dont have a cf slot.
Another advantage is with regards to battery life, some bluetooth gps receivers have exceptional battery life lasting up to 26 hours, some mobile phones also have a long life, although a pda wont last anywhere near that, when using a cf gps receiver the pda battery is usually depleted faster as the it has to also power the cf receiver since the cf receiver cant work on its own
The third consideration is convenience, one can find some new gps receivers that are extremely small, the holux gpslim 236 comes to mind, because of their size and sensitivity you can stick them in your pocket and still get a very good signal so you dont have anything sticking out of the pda as is the case with a cf gps receiver.
Another thing to consider is that a lot of newer pdas seem to be loosing the compact flash interface, a good example is the fujitsu siemens loox 720, it has being rumoured that the loox 720 replacement wont be including a cf interface. My conclusion would be it seems that manufacturers dont consider the cf interface that important to include in newer pdas, kind of like being phased out so it might not be a good idea to invest in cf devices
My final argument would be that when it comes to using a gps receiver for driving, it is easier to position a bluetooth gps receiver in a convenient position where it can receive a better signal than with a cf gps receiver because since the cf gps receiver is fixed to the pda, you are limited by how much you can move the pda around and still have a good view of the pda screen.
Based on all these facts I would consider a bluetooth gps receiver a better choice to a cf gps receiver.
About The Author
Francis Ononye writes about bluetooth gps receivers at
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Synchronize the clock on your digital camera to the time on your GPS. When you return home, download your track to TopoFusion and, using the PhotoFusion feature, clickable camera icons will automatically show where each photo was taken. Just click to see the picture!
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Most built-in systems need to be professionally installed. They usually fit in the same slot as a car stereo, and they include radio tuners and CD players, so you won't have to do without music. The navigation screens on built-in units typically pop up or slide out, which makes for an interesting conversation piece when friends get in the car, but such units can cover other dashboard controls or air vents.
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Portable units, such as our Editors' Choice TomTom GO, attach to the dashboard via Velcro or other means. They have good form factors for driving, including easily viewable displays and accessible interfaces. For power, portables include plugs for 12-volt outlets or cigarette lighters. Although portables are convenient in that you can move them from one car to another, they don't exactly blend with the car's interior. A portable GPS unit will make an unsightly bump in the clean lines of a well-designed dashboard.
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Actual addresses are helpful in vacation planning: It helps to have the full mailing address of a destination. Often entering an address is more straight-forward than searching the name of a location in the points-of-interest database. Consider including a list of addresses in your pre-vacation planning and even pre-programming the unit.
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Qualcomm's Vision of the Wireless Future "When he finished, there were 20 brand-new, CDMA-based mobile handsets and devices arrayed on the table, the high-tech souvenirs of Belk's most recent trip to Hong Kong and Japan.... 'These are not PowerPoint slides,' Belk said. 'These are real devices that are already shipping in volume in Asia.' " at Business 2.0]
And there's the rub. When I do my presentations, that's all I have - pictures of prototypes or of devices not available in the U.S. Europe and Asia really are 18 months ahead of us in this area.
"Beale also discussed Qualcomm's gpsOne location technology.... It also opens the door for many new location-based services, such as traffic information and local weather forecasts. On Japan KDDI's network, there are already more than 20 location-based services available -- all of which are relatively inexpensive, costing less than $5 per month."
I'm looking forward to being able to travel and have information come to me automatically based on my location. For example, if I'm at a conference and I'm looking for a restaurant, I'd like my phone/PDA/whatever to know where I am and offer a list of nearby choices. Maybe it should tell me what movies or plays are on tonight and if there are still tickets available. You get the idea....
"Predictably, both Belk and Beale anticipate strong growth for the wireless industry as ever-more-compelling products and services become available and the industry settles on a single communication standard. How long will that take? Belk, whose career began in the personal computing business in 1983, likened the wireless industry today to the PC business of the 1980s. 'I wouldn't worry about the wireless industry yet, it's still relatively young,' he said. 'Just look how long it took the PC industry just to get to the point of standardized parallel cables.' "
Not to beat a dead horse, but the ebook industry is even younger than PCs, and PDAs have really only come into their own during the last few years. So don't count any of these technologies out just yet.
Write Here, Write Now: And you thought you were overloaded with information now, just wait. Hewlett Packard is working on a technology to let folks print messages in mid-air based on their location incorporating GPS technology. I find this stuff fascinating, even if no one seems to have thought of a good use for it yet. The first sentence of the article is right, though: "The kids are going to love this." in New Scientist via RCPL's Liblog]
When the ALA summer conference was in San Francisco in 1997, the SF Museum of Modern Art had a fascinating exhibit called Icons: Magnets of Meaning. I spent hours browsing through it, but one of the pieces that has always stuck in my mind was called @: Marking the Electrosphere . It talked about the meaning of that one little symbol. How it can define, place, and root you in the world, but at the same time let you be found anywhere. Integrated, widespread use of GPS is going to take this to a whole new level.
Global Positioning Systems offer everything from hole overviews to Internet access "Shortgrass Technologies' Internet-based sports information system and financial ticker enables golfers to check college football scores on a Saturday afternoon or the price of stocks any weekday. Global positioning systems can track golf cars no matter where they are on the course, thus discovering bottlenecks and slower play. Golfers can order beverages and food en route to the turn, so golf clubs can offer more than a quick hot dog - a higher priced chicken sandwich, for instance...."
I always thought that GPS would go mainstream in automobiles first, and in a way I suppose it has, but maybe golfers will lead the real charge. I could have used a portable, library-centered GPS system myself to navigate the Chicago Public Library's Harold Washington Library when I was there last fall!
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