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Determine Your GPS Battery Needs: Another factor to consider when selecting a GPS tracking device is battery life. For personal security use, a GPS tracking device which requires charging once every few days may be perfectly sufficient. However, for covert GPS tracking use, asset-management or tracking shipments, a much longer battery life may be necessary. Options for extending the battery life of GPS tracking units include purchasing extended-life batteries for your GPS tracking device or external battery packs which conserve power by hibernating when they are not in use. Some external battery packs for GPS tracking devices will operate for weeks without a charge, making them ideal for extended covert GPS tracking missions.
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Reception & Accuracy of the GPS Unit -For quicker and more accurate calculations, look for a GPS unit with a 12 channel parallel receiver system. The more channels the receiver has, the more satellites it will be able to pick up, resulting in faster and more reliable calculations. Dash-mounted GPS units tend to receive stronger signals from satellites for quicker and more accurate readings, however, the standard antenna that comes with the unit rarely provides adequate reception in all instances.
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Use common sense; be willing to make mistakes...Mobile GPS is not in infallible. It will sometimes make errors in "judgement" as to where you should go for particular routes. Nay-sayers of GPS always love to point this out but conveniently never mention the rest of the time when it�s 100% correct. Regardless of that, you should not let GPS hand-hold you everywhere you go. If the GPS instructs you to go a specific way but it doesn�t "feel right" to you, go the way you feel is comfortable. Sometimes your way is the best way. And even if you make a mistake, be willing to make mistakes. No one is going to feed you to the wolves for it.
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Qualcomm's Vision of the Wireless Future "When he finished, there were 20 brand-new, CDMA-based mobile handsets and devices arrayed on the table, the high-tech souvenirs of Belk's most recent trip to Hong Kong and Japan.... 'These are not PowerPoint slides,' Belk said. 'These are real devices that are already shipping in volume in Asia.' " at Business 2.0]
And there's the rub. When I do my presentations, that's all I have - pictures of prototypes or of devices not available in the U.S. Europe and Asia really are 18 months ahead of us in this area.
"Beale also discussed Qualcomm's gpsOne location technology.... It also opens the door for many new location-based services, such as traffic information and local weather forecasts. On Japan KDDI's network, there are already more than 20 location-based services available -- all of which are relatively inexpensive, costing less than $5 per month."
I'm looking forward to being able to travel and have information come to me automatically based on my location. For example, if I'm at a conference and I'm looking for a restaurant, I'd like my phone/PDA/whatever to know where I am and offer a list of nearby choices. Maybe it should tell me what movies or plays are on tonight and if there are still tickets available. You get the idea....
"Predictably, both Belk and Beale anticipate strong growth for the wireless industry as ever-more-compelling products and services become available and the industry settles on a single communication standard. How long will that take? Belk, whose career began in the personal computing business in 1983, likened the wireless industry today to the PC business of the 1980s. 'I wouldn't worry about the wireless industry yet, it's still relatively young,' he said. 'Just look how long it took the PC industry just to get to the point of standardized parallel cables.' "
Not to beat a dead horse, but the ebook industry is even younger than PCs, and PDAs have really only come into their own during the last few years. So don't count any of these technologies out just yet.
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